The Link Between Exercise, Activity and Aging
The health benefits of engaging in regular exercise and maintaining an active lifestyle are numerous. They range from lower blood pressure to decreased rates of diabetes. Sometimes, however, older adults worry that physical activity will increase their risk for experiencing a fall. It can cause them to limit or give up an active lifestyle, believing […]
Pneumonia in the Elderly: Prevention is Key
Our elderly loved ones can become more susceptible to certain bacterial or viral infections like pneumonia. In fact, along with having a weakened immune system, age is one of the most common risk factors for pneumonia. Plus, once a senior has this condition, recovery can be quite difficult and take a long time; complications can […]
Independence Day in Indianapolis 2021
July 4, 1776 marks the date the Colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring our country independent from Great Britain and the rule of the British king. While celebrations took place at the White House starting in 1801, it wasn’t until almost 100 years later in 1870 when Congress made Independence Day an official unpaid […]
Three Ways to Relieve Your Stress
We all have stress, from work demands to our home lives, we are all managing some degree of pressure. Chronic stress can greatly affect your health and your happiness and though we can all recite the common fixes like meditation, exercise or taking a vacation, having some practical, go to strategies can help to create […]
The Inconvenient Truth About Convenience Food
Medical research has recently linked ultra-processed convenience foods with premature death. The findings, published on line in JAMA Internal Medicine and reported by Medscape state that: “Ultraprocessed foods include mass-produced, ready-to-eat foods such as packaged snacks, sugary drinks, breads, candies, ready-made meals and processed meats. Such foods usually contain “empty calories” and have a high […]